Sunday, April 29, 2012

Being Fashionable

We have seen quite a number of teenagers who are rather fashionable in this modern age. They tend to follow the trend or rather the fashion of the time.

What do you think of that? Would you be glad that your own child has followed this trend? But I see that there is no harm in that as long as they know what they are actually posing. As long as they know their limit and they know how to do it well. Some teenagers would go for illegal ways in order to get what they want. They might be involved in drugs distribution or even in prostitution.

As parents, we ought to be alert at what our kids are doing..

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Being a boss

It's not easy being a boss. But most people presume that being a boss is easy. He/She just needs to ask the staff to do whatever that needs to be accomplished.

We don't actually realise that a boss needs to manage the company by thinking a lot regarding the business. It's a 24 hour business for the boss.

So whoever wants to be a boss needs to be prepared. There's no easy way out and it could be frustrating too when you manage your staff. You need to think the best for your own company. The staff would just do what they have to do. They barely think about your company..
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