Sunday, December 15, 2013

Kid's dream

Well, my boy loves music and he wants to pursue music. Is it good for his future? I would prefer him to pursue something stable and then treat music as his hobby. But he is persistent in his decision. 

I support him since he's very adamant about it. Initially, his father was not too happy about it. He would love his boy to pursue business so that his business could be passed over to him.

We have no choice. He has his choice and it's his music. As parents, we need to support him and hopefully it would be a good career for him in future.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

When kids sit for their exam

Those days when I sat for my exam, no one put any pressure on me. I studied on my own free will. After all, I was a hardworking person. Needless to say, my parents needn't worry for me.

But now it's different. When my young kids sat for their exams, I was very pressured. I made sure they studied for their exams. 

But as they grew older and they were able to take care of their own studying, I wouldn't put any pressure on them.

I could only wish that they study well and prepare well for their exams.

All the best to my kids when they face their exams.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mum is the best

It's nice for our mum to stay with us. My mum first started to stay with us when I brought back my second girl from Taiping when she was two years old. That means my mum helped me to take care of her. Soon I conceived with two more babies. 

Our hands were full. I had to go to school to teach and my mum had to take care of the household. When I finally decided to quit teaching to help my husband with his business, it was time for my mum to retire.

Mum had stayed with us for so many years and finally she has her freedom. She stays in her hometown and she will visit us when she has the time.

I personally feel that it's great to have our mums to stay with us. We can actually only trust our mums rather than housemaids.

We can leave the house at peace without worrying if anything could get missing as in the case of having a maid.

Best of all is our mums will help us no matter what and we definitely feel at ease with her presence!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Taking care of pets

To have pets is not an easy task. One has to be prepared to be fully responsible in handling and taking care for the pets. We need to make sure that our pets are fed regularly and even bathed too.

Not to mention about care, food is very important. We can't simply throw just about anything for our pets' consumption. We need to make sure that their diet is not too salty as it might affect their fur. Thus, fur might become thin.

What when they become ill? We need to take them to set the vet so that treatment is given. Don't take their illness lightly as it might kill them. Through my experience in taking care of dogs, they need to be loved. Just by calling their names or patting on their head could boost their confidence in us. Consequently, they will love us in return.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Study Pressure

Do you feel pressurized when someone expected you to produce the best result?  I believe most people would definitely be stressed. As a parent myself, I usually try not to pressurize my kids especially when they are going to sit for the government exams.

We have heard of cases whereby students committed suicide even though their results were excellent. Why did this happen? Mostly it was due to the high expectation of them. They were already good yet they felt that they must get the best results. When they didn't achieve their ambition, they became depressed and thus committed suicide.

So as a parent myself, I try not to put too much pressure on my kids. I just want them to do their best. Even if their results were not good enough, it doesn't matter as it has already been done.

We just need to encourage them to do their best and probably reward them if they got excellent results.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A spouse's helper

I had never been an employee under my spouse until recently. That was about 4 years ago. Those years as an employee were never been great for me. As an employee, there was always high expectations and the boss tended to be in real control of everything.

Finally, I gave up. I resigned being an employee and work as a free worker instead. I have been in this state for almost 3 months and I like it this way.

I still work as normal but of course there is no salary for me. But I'm glad that my spouse is still a considerate person and he gives me pocket money.

When I was an employee under him, I was just given a salary and no pocket money. I guess I should be grateful but considering my time and effort, I would prefer being a teacher instead.

Anyway, I can't turn back time. It was my decision to leave teaching and help him. Now as I work freely, I feel much better. When money is concerned, there is always a conflict. So now I help because he is my spouse not because he is my boss.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Volunteer or Employee

An individual who performs hours of service for a public agency for civic, charitable, or humanitarian reasons, without promise, expectation or receipt of compensation for services rendered, is considered to be a volunteer during such hours. Individuals performing hours of service for such a public agency will be considered volunteers for the time so spent and not subject to sections 6,7, and 11 of the FLSA when such hours of service are performed in accord with sections 3(e)(4)(A) and (B)of the FLSA and the guidelines in this subpart.
Congress did not intend to discourage or impede volunteer activities undertaken for civic, charitable, or humanitarian purposes, but expressed its wish toprevent any manipulation or abuse of minimum wage or overtime requirements through coercion or undue pressure upon individuals to“volunteer” their services.
Individuals shall be considered volunteers only where their services are offered freely and without pressure or coercion, direct or implied, from an employer.
An individual shall not be considered a volunteer if the individual is otherwise employed by the same public agency to perform the same type of services as those for which the individual proposes to volunteer.

My point of view:
According to point C: services from a volunteer are being offered freely and thus no pressure or whatsoever should be incurred from the employer. In this case, I would rather be a volunteer than to be an employee. So starting from this month itself, I declared myself a volunteer and resigned myself from being an employee. I feel happier this way as it won't interfer with my personal relationship with the boss.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Form 6 or A-level

In my point of view, I guess Form 6 is much preferable than A-Level. Much is needed for financing the A- Level whereas Form 6 doesn't need much. Since the Science streams also offers Sciences in English, it wouldn't be difficult at all.

Furthermore, PA helps the students to maintain their BM which is rather useful too. Other than that, there's MUET which is really helpful in the sense that the students get to improve their English.

Apart from that, students have more time with their families before they go further for their tertiary studies. I would actually encourage my kids to do Form 6.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Care for sick dog

I have never cared for a sick dog before. This is the first time ever when I have to care for my boxer dog. She's sick with sores on her body. She has been treated at the vet's clinic for a month. Now that she is home, I have to do my part. I would take care of her till she heals, I pray.

Thinking of her sufferings makes me sad. What can I do. She has been a good dog. Even when now that she's suffering, she still keep quiet and never even bark.

I pray that she would heal faster as I don't like to see her suffer.

Friday, January 18, 2013


I believe that communication is very important. In the very beginning of a relationship, there must be lots of communication. Don't worry about quarrels or fights. One should communicate so that whatever misunderstanding could be resolved. 

If one just keeps quiet and not bothered to communicate, it's really bad for both parties. One misunderstanding could lead to another and so on.

So, always take the chance to communicate with our kids as they will grow up real fast and in no time, we don't have the time to communicate at all..

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year Resolution

New Year is here. Are you glad that we still survived? We thought that we might have died days ago. But thank God we survived.

So any resolution for the new year? I bet many of us still struggle to think of what they are supposed to achieve or change for the year.

As for me, I don't actually write down any resolution. I just need to do what I'm capable of doing rather than writing down what I'm supposed to do.

With each passing year, we get older and of course wiser too. We shouldn't be moving backwards. We should be proceeding forward and think of things or situations positively..
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